Monday, October 29, 2007

Throngs Of Brits: Dump Liberalism and Socialized Healthcare

HillaryCare, Sicko, Micky Mouse Moore and George Soros. What do these have in common? Brain spasms. Others that have the collective mindset as the aforementioned are equally deficient in the areas of common sense and the wherewithal to check their surroundings. And, being so worried about World Opinion as they are, they are guilty of not paying attention to world opinion except where it suits their own frantic desires of emotionalism.

HT to MM for the lead-in here.

Times OnLine UK: Quack Michael Moore has mad view of the NHS

Unfortunately Sicko is a dishonest film. That is not only my opinion. It is the opinion of Professor Lord Robert Winston, the consultant and advocate of the NHS. When asked on BBC Radio 4 whether he recognised the NHS as portrayed in this film, Winston replied: “No, I didn’t. Most of it was filmed at my hospital [the Hammersmith in west London], which is a very good hospital but doesn’t represent what the NHS is like.”


None of these problems mean we should abandon the idea of a universal shared system of healthcare. It’s clear we would not want the American model, even if it isn’t quite as bad as portrayed by Moore. It’s clear our British private medical insurance provision is a rip-off. I believe we should as a society share burdens of ill health and its treatment. The only question is how best to do that and it seems to me the state-run, micromanaged NHS has failed to answer it.


Daily Mail UK: Record numbers go abroad for health treatment with 70,000 escaping NHS
Record numbers of Britons are travelling abroad for medical treatment to escape the NHS - with 70,000 patients expected to fly out this year.

And by the end of the decade 200,000 "health tourists" will fly as far as Malaysa and South Africa for major surgery to avoid long waiting lists and the rising threat of superbugs, according to a new report.

The first survey of Britons opting for treatment overseas shows that fears of hospital infections and frustration of often waiting months for operations are fuelling the increasing trend.


Research by the Treatment Abroad website shows that Britons have traveled to 112 foreign hospitals, based in 48 countries, to find safe, affordable treatment.


"People are simply frightened of going to NHS hospitals, so I am not surprised the numbers going abroad are increasing so rapidly.


So, in the light of the obvious, coupled with the same conditions and similar migrations from Canadian socialized medical care, why, then, do we want that same garbage in the United States?

Why hasn't the Lame Stream Media brought these questions forward to Czarina and the rest of the idiots that want this pathetic medical system? Does the truth really hurt that much? Is it too damaging to their political aspirations at the expense of truth, honesty and integrity?

Oh. Wait. Liars don't worry about such they?

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