Sunday, October 14, 2007

Leftinistra: Perish The Thought...BAD News For Us

The Lame Stream Media is being forced to report the Good News in the GWOT because well, the Bad News they love is becoming far and few between.

Ever since the Senate overwhelmingly confirmed General Petraeus, the Lame Stream and their moppets of the Leftinistra, namely, the ReidCos and the PelosiCos have performed magnificently in their efforts to derail the war effort all in the name of the Almighty Political Power. Their plots and plans have failed and now they have stated that troops will be in Iraq at least until 2013. Their subversion, sedition and at times treasonous escapades goes back further than that, actually.

The Lame Stream Media and the Leftinistra began their ignorance and their thwarting of military and political success in the GWOT in the battlefield called Iraq clear back to 2004. Why? Because elections were soon coming and to get behind the war effort as a Patriot should and would do, they decided that their political aspirations would go down the toilet if they were part of an actual by God Victory in the war on terror.

And now, even the WaPo has stated the obvious and it has got to have the Leftinistra doing their best Linda Blair imitations.

In September, Iraqi civilian deaths were down 52 percent from August and 77 percent from September 2006, according to the Web site The Iraqi Health Ministry and the Associated Press reported similar results. U.S. soldiers killed in action numbered 43 -- down 43 percent from August and 64 percent from May, which had the highest monthly figure so far this year. The American combat death total was the lowest since July 2006 and was one of the five lowest monthly counts since the insurgency in Iraq took off in April 2004.

During the first 12 days of October the death rates of Iraqis and Americans fell still further. So far during the Muslim month of Ramadan, which began Sept. 13 and ends this weekend, 36 U.S. soldiers have been reported as killed in hostile actions. That is remarkable given that the surge has deployed more American troops in more dangerous places and that in the past al-Qaeda has staged major offensives during Ramadan. Last year, at least 97 American troops died in combat during Ramadan. Al-Qaeda tried to step up attacks this year, U.S. commanders say -- so far, with stunningly little success.


That HAS to hurt! Actual by God GREAT News and absolute Bad News to the Defeatists and the anti-Americanists. All their dreams to wrangle absolute political control is history yet they are fighting the currents of the eddy, flushing them into the Abyss of Obscurity.

Bill Roggio has an excellent write-up along these lines here at the Long War Journal.

The Tank has yet another.


According to the Press Association Ltd, Saturday's civilian death toll in Iraq was at the "lowest level in recent memory":


And the Abyss of Obscurity gets deeper and deeper for the Leftinistra.

From Wake Up America

Following the recent trend in lowering death tolls in Iraq since general Petraeus started implementing his counterinsurgency techniques, we see in todays headlines that the civilian death toll in Iraq fell to its lowest numbers in recent memory on Saturday.


I wonder how the anti-Americanist groups are sleeping these days. Check it out over at meme or you can slide over to the slut-filled skank tank at Sadly Retarded.

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