Sunday, October 14, 2007

More Stories from the Code Pink Panty Raid

I sure hope they used those special gloves! Code Pepto Dismal Skank infections are lethal!

The Gathering of Eagles After Action Report:
Okay, it wasn’t really a panty raid, but we did get the pinkos’ panties in a bunch. Besides, I like the headline. What the D.C. Chapter did do was hold a stealth freep of Code Pink at their Washington, D.C. headquarters Saturday afternoon. The part about the bogus police, fire and BOLO calls is true.

OK. Glad THAT was cleared up...LOL!!

As we were unloading our freep stuff from one of our cars up the road from the Pinkos’ office, a woman (not wearing pink, BTW) asked if we were there to protest Code Pink. When I told her, “Yes,” she immediately got on her cell phone and walked around the corner at 5th and H St. A couple minutes later she ran sprinting past me and hauled her ample behind down 5th St. to the Code Pink office where where she turned and raced up the stairs in to the front door.

Code Pinky Skank cowards they are, eh? I wonder what they will do when the American Civil War Part II takes place? To whom will they run to for protection? Certainly not me, that is a surety.

The first of several neighbors came out to talk with us and shared her opposition to Code Pink roosting in her neighborhood. She said they are out in the street at all hours of the night, that they bring their buses down the street and park them, that vans with signs that say, “Our Troops Must Die” are parked on the street where her son, a three-tour Iraq vet home on emergency leave can see them.

Go read the rest. It is quite funny what with the false police reports being filledd out and such.

The signs on the vans gives a great rendition of this picture that drives the Code Pinky Dismal Skanky Broads a heart condition.

I know, I know. The message is the same, just the same. Don't like it? Too damn bad.

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