Thursday, October 25, 2007

Rubber Chicken Award Goes To Bobby Caina Calvan

Like Michelle Malkin informs us, this story has been floating around and TOCB is pleased to spread it about some more.
This story has been making the rounds on the blogosphere the last 24 hours. A Knight-Ridder reporter, Bobby Calvan, blogs his snit fit in Baghdad, where one of our troops dared to ask him for ID–and, gasp, gasp, the soldier didn’t know what Knight-Ridder was. The nerve!!!


There are other links at MM's place but the entire original post has been saved from obscurity so we can spread it far and wide. Doc Weasel has the entire exchange at this spot right here and it shows how the Lame Stream Media thinks of our troops.

This will be the 1st Rubber Chicken Award from TOCB and I hope I beat my friend Hawk to the draw here.

The RCA goes to one Dweeb Calvan. Congratulations, moron!

Welcome to the Dumb Ass Club!!

The origination of this Rubber Chicken Award may be found at Wake Up America.

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