Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Socialists Quack Up At The Saloon

The opening salvo of this pathetic group of losers cracks me up:
New data from the Internal Revenue Service show that income inequality continues to widen. The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans earn more than 21 percent of all income. That's a postwar record. The bottom 50 percent of all Americans, when all their wages are combined, earn just 12.8 percent of the nation's income.

Considering the magnitude of challenges ahead for America, it seems only reasonable that taxes should rise on the wealthy. Taxing the super-rich is not about class envy, as conservatives charge. It's about the nation having enough money to pay for national defense and homeland security, good schools and a crumbling infrastructure, the upcoming costs of boomers' Social Security (the current surplus has masked the true extent of the current budget deficit, but it won't for much longer) and, hopefully, affordable national health insurance. Not to mention the trillion dollars or so it will take to fix the Alternative Minimum Tax, which is now starting to hit the middle class.


Is that some pathetic, driveling lines of hooey, or what?

I guess they are still getting the idiot Soros data. You know...the idiot that wants a New Socialist World Order where everything and everyone is "equal", whatever in the hell that means. Every place socialism/communism has been tried has failed and failed miserably. Even Europe has turned that corner. I guess the Loons at 'Loon having quite caught up from the idiocy of the late 60s and early 70s yet.

I also doubt if anyone over there at 'Loon has read this document, either. A teaser:
Executive Summary: While many studies answer the question of who pays taxes in America, the question of who gets the most government spending is often overlooked. Just as some Americans bear a larger portion of the nation's tax burden than others, some Americans also receive a larger share of the nation's government spending.


Read it and weep.

UHOH!! Head spinning zone straight ahead! (From a "secret source...LOL) Let's see if the Loons at 'Loon can find it. If not, I will provide it as an update.

Top 5% pay 53.25% of all income taxes (Down from 2000 figure: 56.47%). The top 10% pay 64.89% (Down from 2000 figure: 67.33%). The top 25% pay 82.9% (Down from 2000 figure: 84.01%). The top 50% pay 96.03% (Down from 2000 figure: 96.09%). The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.97% of all income taxes. The top 1% is paying more than ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%! And who earns what? The top 1% earns 17.53 (2000: 20.81%) of all income. The top 5% earns 31.99 (2000: 35.30%). The top 10% earns 43.11% (2000: 46.01%); the top 25% earns 65.23% (2000: 67.15%), and the top 50% earns 86.19% (2000: 87.01%) of all the income.


And a chart:

D'OH! SO much for their pansy-assed whining. Why do we always have to do their homework for them? The chart above is "old data". The chart following is newer data.

After re-reading their article of ignorance I have concluded that their research department is lacking in smarts. Do they have a research department? I

Hey! Loons at 'Loon! Got milk?

Catch the wave here.

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