Saturday, October 27, 2007

Troofers No Longer Politically Expedient...Says Former President Clinton

Hat Tip to Wake Up America for this pretty funny story.

I, too, have never been a convert or a blind follower of any politician and most certainly have refrained from being a Party hack since I, and millions of others, got burned badly by the sweet talking Jimmy Carter of years of yore.

As anyone, having read this blog, can tell, I have never ever been a fan of William Jefferson Clinton. The only reason he made it to the White House is because that idiot Ross Big Ears Big Mouth Perot. Big Short Dummy.

However, I have always given credit where credit is due. This is one of those times.

Hat tip to NewsBusters where I first saw this story.

Early in his speech, Clinton was sporadically heckled. One heckler shouted that 9/11 was a fraud, and Clinton bristled. "No, it wasn't a fraud. I'll be glad to talk about it if you'll shut up and let me talk." The heckling continued, and he told another heckler "these people did not come here to hear you speak. If you don't have any self-control, we can deal with that."

When a third called 9/11 an "inside job," Clinton snapped back "How dare you? I live in New York, and I know who did that. You guys have got to be careful, or you're going to give Minnesota a bad reputation."

No matter the reason Bill Clinton said what he did is up for speculation. Although the Leftinistra have encouraged these Troofer Buffoons, using them as a shield to distract from their own forms of silliness and ignorance to bash Bush, it appears that everyone is sick and tired of these Troofer Moonbats.

I will wait and see the various reactions to this "development" to see if this was sincere or not. I watched the video (you can too by clicking the video in my VODPOD above) and it appears that Bill Clinton was "Rather" put out with these pukes; whether it was because of the heckling or their ignorance and disrespectful antics remains to be seen. The video is labeled Bill Clinton Takes On 9/11 Troofers.

One thing is for sure...the ONLY groups of people that interrupt, distract and make fools of themselves by heckling, are these types of idiots. You will never see anyone on our side of the fence on any issue acting as the Troofers and other anti-Americanist groups of fools.

Kudos to the former President of the United States of America, William Jefferson Clinton.

Catch the wave

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