Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today In History

Catch Up Post...


AP Highlight in History:
On Oct. 23, 1983, a suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International Airport in Lebanon killed 241 U.S. Marines and sailors; a near-simultaneous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers.

AP Photo/Bill Foley

1915Some 25,000 women marched in New York City demanding the right to vote.

1942 Britain launched a major offensive against Axis forces at El Alamein in Egypt during World War II.

1946The United Nations General Assembly convened in New York for the first time, at an auditorium in Flushing Meadow.

1956An anti-Stalinist revolt began in Hungary.

1973President Richard M. Nixon agreed to turn White House tape recordings requested by the Watergate special prosecutor over to Judge John J. Sirica.

1998Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat signed a land-for-peace agreement at the White House, following nine days of talks at Wye River, Md.
Audio Link Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
Audio Link Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Audio Link King Hussein of Jordan

2002Gunmen seized a crowded Moscow theater, taking hundreds hostage and threatening to kill them unless the Russian army pulled out of Chechnya.


AP Highlight in History:
On Oct. 24, 1945, the United Nations charter took effect.

1648The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War and, effectively, the Holy Roman Empire.

1861The first transcontinental telegraph message was sent from California to President Abraham Lincoln.

1931 The George Washington Bridge, connecting New York and New Jersey, opened to traffic.
AP Photo

1939Nylon stockings were sold publicly for the first time, in Wilmington, Del.

1940The 40-hour work week went into effect in the United States.

1962The U.S. blockade of Cuba during the missile crisis began under a proclamation signed by President John F. Kennedy.

1987 Thirty years after it was expelled for refusing to answer allegations of corruption, the Teamsters union was welcomed back into the AFL-CIO.

2001The House passed a $100 billion economic stimulus package in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


AP Highlight in History:
On Oct. 25, 1854, the "Charge of the Light Brigade" took place during the Crimean War as an English brigade of more than 600 men, facing hopeless odds, charged the Russian army in the Battle of Balaclava and suffered heavy losses.

1812The U.S. frigate United States captured the British vessel Macedonian during the War of 1812.

1951 Peace talks aimed at ending the Korean War resumed in Panmunjom.

1962 U.S. ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson presented photographic evidence of Soviet missile bases in Cuba to the U.N. Security Council.

1971 The U.N. General Assembly voted to admit mainland China and expel Taiwan.

1983 U.S. Marines and Rangers, assisted by soldiers from six Caribbean nations, invaded Grenada; President Ronald Reagan said the action was needed to protect U.S. citizens there.

1999Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan bolted the GOP to mount a bid for the Reform Party nomination.

2005Iraq's election commission declared that final results from the Oct. 15 referendum showed the new constitution was ratified by a huge margin, paving the way for elections.


AP Highlight in History:
On Oct. 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, giving authorities unprecedented ability to search, seize, detain or eavesdrop in their pursuit of possible terrorists.

AP Photo/Doug Mills

1962In one of the most dramatic verbal confrontations of the Cold War, American U.N. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson asked his Soviet counterpart during a Security Council debate whether the USSR had placed missiles in Cuba.
Read the original AP story

1967The Shah of Iran crowned himself and his queen after 26 years on the Peacock Throne.

1972National security adviser Henry Kissinger declared "peace is at hand" in Vietnam.
Audio Link National security adviser Henry Kissinger

1994Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel and Prime Minister Abdel Salam Majali of Jordan signed a peace treaty.

2001 The Supreme Court building was closed for anthrax testing, and traces of anthrax were found in the State Department and CIA headquarters.

2002A hostage siege by Chechen rebels at a Moscow theater ended with 129 of the 800-plus captives dead, most from a knockout gas used by Russian special forces who stormed the theater.

2004The final vote count in the Afghan presidential election gave a resounding victory to interim leader Hamid Karzai.


AP Highlight in History:
On Oct. 27, 1787, the first of the Federalist Papers, a series of essays calling for ratification of the U.S. Constitution, was published in a New York newspaper.

1997The Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 554.26 points, forcing the stock market to shut down for the first time since the 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.

1978 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin were named winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.

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