Sunday, October 28, 2007

Weekly Round Up For News Passed

The Red Chinese are counting on Hillary to become the next President of the United States.

The Leftinistra refuse to protect the country.

I wonder who the idiots in the DNC will blame for the prices of oil now.

And, there are those that think it a good idea for Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

There is Stinkin' Thinkin' going on within the rank and file of the Leftinistra about Iran.

We have a contrast between what a real CIA covert ops type is and what the fraud Valarie says.

The Democratic Party Leadership is having hallucinations about 2008.

The Fed's 'invaded" WellCare in Florida, a group of Soros funded crooks...more reasons why government needs to butt out of medical care.

30 years or so too late, US sanctions against Iran are kicking in.

There is a bigger spender than GWB is.

Rangel wants to tax the world into joblessness.

Huckabee is coming on strong and the Leftinistra tremble at the thought of another Great Awakening.

We have students expelled for utilizing Free Speech, in opposition to a blithering fool professor.

OBL and his mutants are whining about not getting their our own democrats do.

The idiot Stark implodes.

The successes in Iraq leave the Leftinistra in a self-induced quagmire.

Support for Obama is dwindling.

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