Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Day Everyone...UPDATE


UPDATES are below...

I have received the following in my email and thought it blog worthy...enjoy.

Hi everyone. I just wanted to tell each of you how great there are those who care about our founding fathers and remember our start as a colony. All of you are part of what I'm thankful for this coming Thanksgiving Day and although I don't write here much, I do remember each of you. So, keep in mind as you're eating tomorrow, that the most important thing to be thankful for is God creating this nation and all our moral leaders out there who care about the moral compass of our nation and it's future. They're the ones who really deserve a thanksgiving and praise. As for the others, they need prayer because they're lost. So, I'm most thankful to God for having all of us born as well as our nation.

Thank you from da Penguin. :)

Richard (Penguin ComPassion)
RCP is a contributor at the GOP blog...a veteran of moonbat slaying


Don't forget to keep these folks in your prayers...they just don't get it.
Seattle public schools want a side of political correctness served on your Thanksgiving table. - Washington state's largest school district sent letters to teachers and other employees suggesting Thanksgiving should be "a time of mourning" for its Native American students. [...]
Damn fools...Catch the wave...

A Newt One wishes to give a round of gratitude for our Fighting Men and Women...thank you all and Happy Thanksgiving, no matter where you are. And, following the Tradition(s) of Snooper, not able to come up with the appropriate words to send my well-wishes to our troops in a manner worthy of them, I have swiped the post from Wake Up America...well done Spree.


This is post dated so it will remain at the top for the day, scroll for new posts.

Remember to give thanks for and to our wonderful troops abroad.

A great photo essay of their Thanksgiving in Germany and Afghanistan can be
Pat in Iraq wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving found here.

(Me and Lt Col Paul "Bones" Broten, my closest friend and team mate in the Training section)

KatieMac in Iraq tells of her Thanksgiving day in Iraq here.

A Soldier's Perspective brings us some of the calls President Bush made today to our fine troops.

Ittybitty stops by EMT City forums to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from Iraq.

To everyone and to all our troops, we are thankful for all you do for us.


Indeed. We have much to be thankful for.

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