Thursday, November 22, 2007

Snooper Gives Thanks To The Democratic Party Leadership


As I sit in my Death Chair pondering the years past, I cannot help but chuckle to myself, a disdainful chuckle - a chuckle of utter contempt - a chuckle of disgrace - a sorrowful and an ashamed chuckle - as I read posts from across this land and others in foreign lands; reflecting on the absolute Loser Mentality as expressed by the once great Democratic Party. They may or may not realize what they have become.

They have become the Party of Corruption, the Party of Disgrace, the Party of Charlatans, the Party of Double Standards, the Party of Double Talk, the Party of Ignorance, the Party of Liars...The Party of Shame.

In April of 2007, as the "Surge" in Iraq was beginning to build up, a change of direction that the Democratic Party and a slew of others demanded, President Bush said these words, among others:
[...] "No matter how frustrating the fight in Iraq can be, no matter how much we wish this war was over, the security of our country depends directly on the outcome of Iraq," Bush told an audience at East Grand Rapids High School, vowing to keep troops in Iraq until the job is done. [...]
The Democratic Party Leaders wet their pants:

[...] Reid, D-Nev., fired back at Bush, saying "no one wants us to succeed in Iraq more than Democrats."

"We heard the same old story from the president today because his strategy calls for more of the same. It's a failed strategy for our troops in Iraq, it's a failed strategy for our security at home and it's dangerous that the president refuses to recognize the reality on the ground in Iraq," Reid said from the Senate floor. [...]
See what I mean? The Party of Double Speak. They speak with a forked tongue. If they want us to succeed in Iraq, how would that be possible by removing the troops? As it has turned out like the vast majority of Americans knew it would, the "Surge" has been a remarkable success, faster then anyone had anticipated. Have they apologized for trying to crush the morale of the troops as well as the country as a whole? No, they have not, being the cowards that they are.

Read the rest of the referenced article and compare it to the news we have today, and you tell me who has the insight and who does not. You tell me who has the "can do" attitude and ability and who does not.

As we at A Newt One proclaim and will continue to do so, the Party of Defeat, the Democratic Party Leadership, are so heavily invested in defeat for political gain, they cannot bring themselves to admit that they were indeed wrong. We have been saying this for well over three years now and in the light of the evidence of Victory at hand, they still try to hand that victory to our any and all costs.

This is not the 1960s or the 1970s anymore and we will not sit idly by as that generation did and let these defeatist fools destroy this country. The defeatists have become irrelevant, insignificant and bothersome; like pesky gnats on a hot summer day - to be swatted and crushed.

The Republican Senate blog has several entries that I find interesting and some that are flat out FUBAR. However, they do have this one dead nuts on track. They have listed the words of the defeatists along with verifiable links and references...something alien to moonbats...where we can all read to bring to the fore that which they once stated, securing their positions on the wrong side of this issue. The entry is in two sections, like a before and after type of thing...pretty craftily done.

This last ditch effort to save their worthless political skins by the political shenanigans of funding the troops is the straw that broke the camels' back. They have signed their own political death warrants. America is waking up. America is rising.

Check out Don Surbers' post as well as Keith D Milbys' post.

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