Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Leftinistra...Some Don't Think They Are Leftinistra

~ Snooper~

I am glad there are others that can see through the glass that is dark as I can and have been able to for years on end.

Earlier today, I was in search of Leftinistra blogs and news outlets that could at least give credit where credit was due in regards to the veterans that have made it possible for the Leftinistra to be as free as everyone else in this country. The closest I came to finding one was here and it devolved into a Bush Bashing Rant.

Over at Stop The ACLU, I found a small rant about the blog entitled Think Progress. Everybody but Think Progress knows that they are Leftinistra proponents and there is absolutely no truth whatsoever of their insidious silliness in claiming to be non-partisan. I have always wanted to know what they were wanting to "progress" towards. Clearly, they are "progressive" in their thinking and so is Hillary and she is a Budding Leninist. Stalin would be proud of Think Progress. They have the majority of their readers convinced that they aren't socialists at heart.
The "Think Progress" blog claims to be "non-partisan" but also claims to promote "progressive" ideas. So apparently it is Leftist and impartial at the same time. Maybe that makes sense to Leftists but logic obviously took a holiday from there a long time ago. In a recent effusion, they describe a TV weatherman who doubts global warming as "discredited" but give no information about how, when or why he became discredited. They say that his expertise in weather is not enough to qualify him to talk about climate. Apparently you have to have qualifications in climatology to talk informatively about climate. That requirement does exclude both Al Gore and the writers of Think Progress from commenting on climate but, with their usual freedom from logic, they do not seem to see that at all. Amy Ridenour and Noel Sheppard rub it in...
The Leftinistra cannot ever substantiate a thing. They are really good at belching out opinions and having folks that don't know any better, fall for their crap, lies and garbage, lock-step and conundrum. The emotional are like that and can be easily led astray by high-sounding ideals and verbiage.

The bottom line is this...Think Progress is no more non-partisan than Hillary is a Conservative.

Oh. Before I forget, if you want to see what a rabid and frothing moonbat has to say about veterans, go here.

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