Sunday, November 11, 2007

One Moonbat Site Mentions Veterans Today


And, it was a writer at the KOSmonoffs. The writer is one RenaRF. The piece starts out OK but then degrades into some morphed and emotional diatribe, missing the point entirely and even mentions space aliens visiting Earth. Good God Almighty.

[...] One thing that we aren't lacking for are memorials dedicated to particular wars, battles, and the military. [...]
This comment can be taken either way but, giving the benefit of the doubt, let us say that this is appropriate...for now.

[...] While I appreciate these monuments and honor the sacrifice which spelled their necessity, I'm not certain that we are memorializing the right things. [...]
Uh oh. As one tries to discern what "IS" means, there are some that find difficulty with discerning the meaning of "memoralizing the right things".
[...] What I mean is, if you were an alien who was dropped in the middle of Arlington at the Iwo Jima Memorial or you were dropped into the center of the World War II Memorial you'd see odes and testaments to bravery and patriotism that wouldn't necessarily tell the real story of the war itself. [...]
Lay off the shrooms, please.

Read the rest of the pathetic driveling of a Leftinistra hack that uses a solemn day as Veteran's Day, of which I, Snooper, am one, a DAV to top it all off and, this idiot chooses to Bash Bush.

I hereby issue yet another Rubber Chicken Award to one writer at the Blog For Pathetic Leftinistra Trash, the Daily KOSmonoffs, RenaRF, suffering from renal infarction. This is not a day for Bush Bashing. GWB has his faults as I have more than most pointed out. However, this isn't the day to politicize for a hacksters' benefit.

What a moron.

Enjoy your award, moonbat
Awarded to RenaRF at the Daily KOSmonoff Site For Party Hacks


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