Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Silence Is Underwhelming

I have been relatively silent today, lurking about and patrolling the enemy positions. I have visited approximately 60+ "prominent" Leftinistra blogs and ill-fated news outlets and have read art least 80+ articles/pieces. Now, granted, I may have missed it but, not one single Leftinistra Hate America anti-Americanist web site offered one single accolade or offered a single shred of appreciation for our past, current and future veterans.


However, their were and still are True Patriots on the front lines here Stateside. From Little Green Footballs, we learn that the Gathering of Eagles is ever vigilant and fasing down the turtle turds of the anti-Americanists and the pathetic cult members of the Westoboro non-Baptist Church of Cult Freaks. Go here and here for an inspiring event...veterans marching TO the enemy.

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