Friday, December 7, 2007

Another Day Which Will Live In Infamy


As Blackfive (Uncle Jimbo) said of his Great Uncle, my Father speaks not much of 12/6/41 or 12/7/41 either.

The full and authentic text of FDR's speech to the America people can be viewed and heard here. Never seen before pictures can be viewed here.

My Dad is a WWII Veteran and Hero, still alive but not so well these days. When we are together and we are discussing the current war, he cries - not because he is sad, per se - but for what our politicians are doing and how they are acting. "Back in my day, these fools would be in jail or hung for what they are doing." I agree and wish we had men of courage that would respond in the same manner.

My Dad calls the current crop of "defeatist fools", as he so labels them, "wanna-be" Nips and "wanna-be fascists". My Dad will not view, listen to or watch the fool Reid and, my Dad being a devout Christian such as he is, I am shocked when he calls the Troll Reid, "A GD as****e". I remind my Dad that an as****e has a purpose and he cheers up and chuckles and says, "Yes, son. An as****e does have a purpose. I stand corrected."

What little I know of my Dad's function in the Great War, I sense that his service was one of sincere Patriotism. He has told me many times that when he and my Mother have passed away, I will have access to the contents of his safe deposit boxes and the contents of his vault in the basement. He has made me vow that I will never make public the contents therein and I take that vow seriously. I do know that he was shot down over France hours before D-Day and he spent 4 days behind enemy lines. He avoided capture and eventually made it back to England to go at it again.

His service in the Great War gets oddly mysterious after that since he shipped out to the PTO shortly after he had made it back to England. He speaks nothing of the PTO. Silence and demeanor is unmistakably evident and one does not press my Dad, or my Mother for that matter, for the stories needing to be told. They both told me that they will take those memories to their graves.

My Dad is proud of my brother's service, my service and the service of his first grandson now serving. I am as well. I heard the call, my brother heard the call and so did my son.

I find it difficult to speak of my brother's service because he was oddly silent as well. My brother was KIA in Quan Tri Province in February of 1968.

As we reflect upon this day of our history as a nation, let us compare the Patriotism then to the Patriotism we see today. Kind of sad, actually. It will please me to no end to witness the generation of the hippies die off.

Remember the heroes of the days of yore

It is your Patriotic Duty

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