Friday, December 7, 2007

The Leftinistra Will Be Redeploying To Okinawa Soon?


The question is, will the people of Okinawa allow them to emigrate there?

As the Leftinistra, comprised of the likes of Reid and Pelosi, remove all doubt as to the Pathology of A Defeatist, the American People tire of the continual abasement of our troops and the Leftinistra find themselves caught between rocks and hard places with no way out.

Senator Harry Reid had one comment correct but he had the angle all wrong. The Surge which is not working is the one he and his genre of fools has created. The Defeatist Surge has failed.

As the Change In Direction In Iraq was about to take hold, the Senate unanimously confirmed General David Petraeus and, within 30 days or so, promptly did the usual turn-coat dance and declared the man they unanimously confirmed incompetent. Every time I think of that event, I shake my head in disdain, contempt and guttural disgust. What kind of deranged mentality causes an individual and a "ruling body" to confirm without descent a Commanding General and then turn around and call that confirmed Commanding General incompetent before plans are even implemented in the field?

The incidents involving the Leftinistra v General Petraeus was the beginning of the end for the Defeatist Surge. The Defeatist Surge had some momentum before the MoveOnDotFakeOrgasm ad against the General but when the ad hit and the Leftinistra refused to denounce it and renounce the ad along with the organization placing the ad, it stirred up the True Patriots in America. They opened up their own Abyss of Obscurity.

Ever since the attacks against General Petraeus, the Leftinistra's momentum spiraled in an unrecoverable tail spin. In recent weeks, this has been duly noted and confirmed.

With the ugly realities that close to 200,000 non-military DoD employees will be getting lay-off notices a week before Christmas due to the political games the Loser Left has been playing with our troops, they are now "willing to negotiate". Now, isn't that sweet?
Each day lately, Democrats inch closer to giving President Bush more money for the war in Iraq without any serious mandates for withdrawing U.S. troops.

Democratic leaders are loath to acknowledge they've backed off, but lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, as well as congressional aides, say Democrats are trying to find a way to provide continued troop funding while searching for some compromises that show they're still intent on challenging the president on the war. [...]
Their end is nigh and they don't even know it...or do they? They must know that if their moonbat base finds out that yet another campaign promise has been broken, there is going to be hell to pay and more pink-frilled flakes will camp out on their front lawns popping pills, smoking dope and snorting who knows what.

[...] "We have to come off this lack of funding for the military operations," the lawmaker said. "We have to continue the funding. We don't want to look like we're against troop funding. ... We should separate the funding discussion from the rest of the war.

A troop withdrawal funding bill received 53 votes last month in the Senate, seven short of the 60 needed to break a filibuster.

So Democrats are searching for something that asserts congressional power but doesn't necessarily have a mandated troop withdrawal. [...]
Why they still press for unilateral withdrawal when victory is at hand is not only ludicrous, it is political suicide. I have no sympathy for the pathetic cretins. No, Sir. Not one bit. The Leftinistra started this Come To Jesus revelation approximately one year before the 2006 mid-term elections. We informed all that would listen then that this day which we are witnessing now will come and, it would be this ugly. We hate being as correct as we are at A Newt One but there you have it. It is what it is.

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