Friday, December 14, 2007

A Blog Worthy Mention of Troll Olbermann


Olbermann is a fool's fool. He is a moppet of the failed socialist movement in the United States. He is a perpetrator of BDS lies and rhetoric seeing that the poor slog has no original thoughts of his own.

Check this video out and IF you can stomach the fool for nearly 8 minutes and don't vomit, you will notice that which we state.

Via comments and emails from other places, we are all in agreement...the idiot defines the epitome of BDS. I will remove the names from the messages and those that which to identify themselves as confirmation may do so. Behold:
I got the video link from a liberal in Massachusetts...I watched it and sent a reply back to the obviously distorted mind-less @*$^!)%# or whatever he calls himself idiot. This is truly the worst MSNBC has ever put out as news...pure hate from the get-go!!! They ought to be...aah you don't want to know what I'm thinking!

We ought to gang up on the commentary at youtube, maybe we can make a dent in their skulls!
The problem I see with "dents in skulls" is that there are no viable brain activities to register with. The following is the Death Knell of the Psycopathetic (new word Snooper just invented) Leftinistra when they cannot admit to having lost their bid for America's defeat...they attack like rabid rats...

[...] In a nearly ten-minute rant on MSNBC's Countdown Dec. 6, Keith Olbermann went off on the President again, begging the question: what does name-calling add to the public dialogue? Olbermann trashed the President's right to speak up about Iran following the National Intelligence Estimate that claimed Iran ended its quest for a nuclear weapon in 2003. Olbermann called the President a "pathological liar," "idiot in chief," "dishonest," "transcendently stupid," "an unhinged, irrational Chicken Little of a President." and then added that the "warmonger" Cheney is Bush's "evil ventriloquist." [...]
That about sums up the Moonbat Intelligence Myth right there, does it not? Next comment.

I have already seen this, and it is an insult to any dignified human being. I did watch the entire video, which was a total waste of my time. Olbermann is on NBC's halftime show which is on Sunday Night (I think), and I nearly hurl just seeing him even though he is talking sports. If [it] was earlier in the football season I would be calling for a boycott of that football telecast, but they only have a couple of games left and I don't think they get any playoff coverage. Just my 2 cents worth, since you brought it up XXXXXX!!!

I'm not a cuzzin' man. I'm not a mean person, I'm calm, cool, and collected but I could take that (excuse my language) %╞{δ£ñ∞ƒúä£æ«±$@% Olberman and hang 'em by that thingy between his legs using a barb-wire noose while all the illegals use him for a pinata....

Ditto from here - he belongs in the slow boat with soros, kennedy, michael moore, gore, pelosi, reid, murtha, and (you can fill in the blank).

OLDUMBERMANN typifies the Libetoid Mentality of getting tututs totally TWISTED in Giddy Joyful Pain at the prospect of bashing W again...Unfortunately already there are Doubts about the "headlines part of the report" since upon reading the whole report and Intelligence accounts from Foreign Countries ONCE more prove that the Dummie does not take time to GET the Whole Story and he Rather Take the WORD of MAHMUD over the Safety of America and the Free World...and MSNBC in NOT a LOON run Organization...OH no!

What "energy" are you talking about...The space between this Idiot's legs is a VOID as the One between his Jack ass ears...He'd make Al Gore anti America schpeel in Burma almost seem INTELLIGENT...

Olberman's so pathetic, the only way he gets anyone to listen to him is by spewing this kind of crap.

His rant sounds just like one of XXXXXXXX. I guess since i don't expose myself to the idiocy of the other side often I didn't realize how much of a mind link these people have. It is like a pyramid of puppet masters...very frightening.

Ding ding ding ding ding !!!!!!

And XXXXXX gets the "Right Again" award from me. (like that's worth something)...

but seriously, you don't think that Olberman isn't jealous of all the attention that Rush gets over one comment considered over the top...not to mention how easy it is for Ann Coulter to become the center of attention! He must be outrageously envious of how IGNORED he always is, so he's trying the "shock jock" route since he's so desperate.

99% of people still have no clue who he is!!

"99% of people still have no clue who he is!!" and the other 1% wish they didn't!

Badda bing.....!

Johnny, tell him what he's won. ---- An all expense paid trip to San Francisco dressed in army fatigues waving the American Flag, and a 25 years supply of batteries for your remote control so you can change the channel from Olberman anytime you want. Deal or no Deal?

(Hey I'm so TV illiterate you guys should be proud I came up with that! I was at my sister's on Sunday and they were all explaining the Deal or No Deal show to me. They think I'm nuts.)
The general consensus is...Olbermann is full of himself but no one else is. The Troll Olbermann is to be pitied and ridiculed beyond measure.

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