Saturday, December 29, 2007

Breaking! Osama Bin Laden Murdered!



My Pet Jawa has a post up in regards to the forthcoming recent video/audio that isn't so recent video of the Head Goat Licker and Fornicator of Hogs in the dark caves OBL.

Apparently Bhutto knew people -- very bad people -- were out to kill her, but what is this deal with "Omar Shiekh" who she claims "murdered Osama bin Laden"? Either she knew something super-sikret, or she, like so many in the developing world, believed in elaborate conspiracies based on rumor and innuendo.

And, while we're adding the Bhutto angle, notice that she names bin Laden's son as one of the people who might want to kill her (among four possibilities). Again, it's just Bhutto's speculation, but it does look like al Qaeda was behind it. Specifically: Baitullah Mehsud.

UPDATE: Did she really mean to say "Daniel Pearl" instead of "Osama bin Laden"? Maybe. Allah seems to think that's a better explanation. Curt, too. It's a truthers wet dream.

Another interesting is that the info she got on her would-be-assassins comes from: Musharraf.

Anyway, give Jawa a visit to view the video. Be forewarned:

Apologies in advance for the message at the end, the person posting it at Youtube is a conspiracy nut.

Go figure. In our post here, OBL is desperate in Iraq. Jawa goes on and says that Al Jazeera repeated what OBL said but didn't really mean to say that he lost in Iraq...and Afghanistan. Yep. It is confirming more and more each day that he is a closet US Democrat.

Catch the wave
Others talking...Conspiracy Loons are indeed exciting...thanks Jawa...I needed the laugh!
Omar Shiekh Murdered Osama Bin Laden
The obligatory "Bhutto says Omar Sheikh killed Osama" post
Did Bhutto Mean to Say Bin Laden was Murdered?
Who Killed Benazir? (Updated)
Pakistan implicates Baitullah Mehsud in Bhutto assassination
Bhutto Names Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden?

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