Saturday, December 29, 2007

GWB May Veto The Recent "War Funding" Bill


This reeks of more underhanded Leftinistra BS.

Macsmind has a good read on this here.

The NY Slimes piece is here.

The NY Post piece is here.

Apparently, there is a provision in the "National Defense Authorization Act that would permit plaintiffs' lawyers to freeze Iraqi funds and expose Iraq to "massive liability in lawsuits concerning the misdeeds of the Saddam Hussein regime." At least one pending lawsuit reportedly seeks $1 billion or more."

President Bush can use his Pocket Veto by not signing the bill by midnight off 12/31/07. If this takes place, the bill dies. But, wait. the "opposition" is having seconds long meetings with one Senator every 2 or 3 days just so they can say that they haven't adjourned yet.

Just another example of BS politics and all the more reason to march on DC, fore them ALL and replace them with homeless vets. They'd get more done. I have to wonder if the Leftinistra planned this ahead of time by placing crap like this in the bill to start with knowing GWB and Iraq would object and rightfully so.

No wonder the charlatans waited until the last micro-second to pass it.
President Bush yesterday headed toward a constitutional confrontation with Congress over his effort to reject a sweeping defense bill.

Bush announced he would scuttle the bill with a "pocket veto" - essentially letting the bill die without his signature 10 days after he received it, or the end of Dec. 31.

But that can happen only when Congress is not in session; otherwise, the bill becomes law without a formal veto in 10 days.

And the Senate maintains it is in session because it has held brief - sometimes only seconds long - meetings every two or three days with only one senator present.

The White House's view is that Congress has adjourned.

It was unclear how the executive and legislative branches would determine whether, in fact, Bush's lack of signature would amount to vetoing the bill or turning it into law.

"My withholding of approval from the bill precludes its becoming law," Bush said in a statement of disapproval sent to Congress.

The president said he was sending the bill and his outline of objections to the House clerk "to avoid unnecessary litigation about the non-enactment of the bill that results from my withholding approval, and to leave no doubt that the bill is being vetoed."
More political footballs with our Troops and National Security.

Good job morons.

Damn them all to hell.

I guess when the smoke clears we will find out the real deal.

Please stand by...this is only a test.

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