Saturday, December 29, 2007

A History Lesson In American Patriotism


Hat Tip to Hot the movie "Charlie Wilson's War", it is said that there are many witty slogans and slinky quotables. This is one of them in regards to defeating the USSR in Afghanistan.
"We won because there was no partisanship or damaging leaks."
This is due primarily to the American "Can-Do" spirit which is all but eviscerated from our political idiots in this country. It is also due to the unwavering Patriotism that was still very much alive but has been nearly buried in recent decades. Thank God there is a resurgence of American Patriotism that is now permeating our society and squashing the anti-Americanist groups such as the leadership of the DNC and their moppets such as Code Pink and similar dweebish moonbats.

I read the piece at the Opinion Journal and whereas the above quote is indeed indicative of the times, then, I found another that is all too near and dear to me.
[...] Mr. Avrakotos picked a team of agency outcasts to funnel weapons to the Afghans while Mr. Wilson made sure they had the means to do so. [...]
You can read "team of agency outcasts" as "PQC". Add "LW" to the "PQC" and you have LWPQC. The gradual force was later on renamed and, for those in the know, would be recognized as p20g.

In memory of my friend Bronco, I will miss you, my friend. Sail on. Sleep well.

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