Saturday, December 29, 2007

News Flash From Michael Yon To OBL


From Michael Yon:
I have directly observed how more and more Iraqis have grown to hate al Qaeda as much as Americans do. Al Qaeda has lost all credibility there, both from a religious standpoint as well as strategically. Even Western media seems to be gradually awakening to the realization that al Qaeda press releases on the topic of Iraq are about as well-informed as the post-invasion rantings of Baghdad Bob. (Everytime Osama bin Laden talks of crushing the infidel, I can't help but think of Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf pointing vigorously skyward and practically spitting at the reporters: "We are crushing the American army as we speak!") [...] read the rest...
To top that all off, after OBL admitted defeat in Iraq, now, after Benazir Bhutto has been murdered by suspected Al-Qaeda operatives (maybe), OBL will be releasing a plea for more help in Iraq. Truly, OBL is an American Leftinistra Democrat political leader. I wonder which one it is. Does he wake up in the morning and wet his finger and hold it up to the wind also? Maybe we should ship him a weather vane to assist the murderous whore of Islam figure things out.

(AGI/AFP) - Washington, 28th December - Fifty-six minutes of analysis of the situation in Iraq. Osama bin Laden is making his voice heard once more, and again, his words call on guerrilla forces in Mesopotamia. According to US 'Site' institute, the head of al Qaeda is addressing the extremist Iraqi group 'Islamic State' with a message entitled 'Methods for Quashing Conspiracies' whose broadcasting is imminent according to announcements gathered on 'Jihadist forums'. It is not clear whether it is a video or an audio. The last message sent by the 'Sheik of terror' goes back to the end of November when Arab station al Jazira broadcast an audio in which bin Laden incited Europeans to break their alliance with the United States and to leave Afghanistan. (AGI)
Wow. Sounds like a desperate plea for "bail me outta this quagmire" to me.

Catch the wave...

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