Thursday, December 13, 2007

Kerry-like Wannabe Soltz Errs...Again


Yeah, Jonny boy...we know who and what you are. Not a problem there, slick. Go ahead. Mouth off again, as usual. Every time you do, you sink lower into that dismal Abyss of Obscurity you and your kind so richly deserve. If you have a spine, you would follow General Batiste's lead, fool.

In case our readers are curious, Jon Soltz is a 4-month Iraq War non-leader. You can get the straight skinny from him...bring your lie detectors with you.

It seems to think the Surge isn't working and the Iraq War was illegal...just like a good little moppet would think seeing it cannot think on its own. It also seems to think that another idgit is going to trounce Mitch McConnell in the upcoming elections in Kentucky. Well, happy hunting there, Skippy.

A "senior advisor" to VoteVets has stepped down from that posting to challenge Senator McConnell.
As an Iraq war veteran, today is pretty exciting for me, and all the other vets I talk with. Today, one of our own took the first step towards knocking off Senator Mitch McConnell in 2008. Iraq War Veteran Andrew Horne jumped into the race.

Andrew Horne, who had to step down as a Senior Advisor to to run this race, not only has a good shot to beat McConnell, he has a tremendous shot. That's got us Iraq veterans pumped because not only will we have a voice in the Senate that comes from our own ranks, but we're also going to take down the guy who is the single most responsible person in Congress for the war in Iraq, as well as the defeat of pro-troop, pro-veteran legislation. [...]
Good. Let them waste their time. They have obviously not read the memo...their support is waning and they have become even more insignificant in recent months. The news that The Plan is and has worked and the charges of "illegal war" are passe, wrong, based on political hack lies and proof positive of a weak mind and no spine.

Sorry ass. First off, Jonny, you don't talk for me. Why have some from you own ranks left you and fallen in with Vets For Freedom, then, Jonny? Why has General Batiste left your behind the times group and joined with Vets For Freedom, than, Jonny? Why has Vets For Freedom outgrown your pathetic pittance of membership, then, Jonny?

Jonny Soltz. Pathetic. Insignificant. Irrelevant. Loser.

Case closed.

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