Friday, December 21, 2007

The Leftinistra Kook Fringe Capitulate


Yes, Virginia, they really do agree with the rest of us...they have no power whatsoever. That comes from being a minority in numbers in the United States and that's how a Federal Republic works. The minority in numbers do not speak for the majority in numbers. Get over it. Get used to it. You have had your fun in the sun and your days are done.

From the KOSmonoffs via Chief Socialist Kos:
We don't have much power. In fact, we have very little.

As we've learned this year, Democrats in DC are more afraid of David Broder, Joe Klein, and Mr. 24%, than they are of their constituents. They are more concerned with Beltway opinion than they are with the national consensus. They are happier dealing with lobbyists than they are dealing with real people. They are more concerned with avoiding criticism than they are of delivering campaign promises.

So what can we do about it?

We've bitched and moan and pleaded and begged and threatened and cried -- and none of that mattered.

We really can't hold up money, since quite frankly we don't have that much, and the lobbyists will always have more.

Votes? We're an important part of the party's ground game, but the most entrenched of our ineffective Democrats have been in office 250 years and in safe districts, and have little to fear from you and me staying home, too disillusioned to participate. [...]

This is GREAT news from the Party of Defeat. It should make them happy that they have been defeated, shouldn't it?

Merry Christmas, Kos!

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