Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Example of Severe Media Bias


Hat Tip to Lew of Right In A Left World for an email alert. It seems the Caliphate News Network as my friend Hawk has so dubbed CNN, cannot get over themselves.

They DID report a story in regards to a burn victim from Iraq being brought to the United Stats for treatment but, they failed once again to bring forth the generosity of the American People.

Lew's message:
A heart wrenching story of an Iraqi child burned badly and brought to the US for treatment. But, instead of giving credit to the Children's Burn Foundation or the American public for their generosity, CNN mentions themselves 12 times in the story. The Children's Burn Foundation once and generosity of the American people not even once!

The Children's Burn Foundation

The CNN story

CNN cannot help themselves but to slam America at every given opportunity.

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