Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Quintessential Whiners


These cretins crack me up. They get exposed in such a manner and form and they whine and try to fluff it off. It ain't working. We have known for years. All one has to do is compare "them" to the "List of 45" to be able to identify "them" for what they are...anti-Americanists, socialists and anti-Constitutionalists.

Who am I referring to? Why, it is the moonbats and libtards of Sadly, NO! and that idiot and chief whiner Matty Yglassy-ass.

Several links here, here, here, here, here.

Yes. No need to cry. We have known what you are for decades and now the entire world is catching on. Thanks.

The driveling snivelers can be found here.

Others frothing in one way or another...some good...some bad...we report...you decide:

Left In The West
Whiners, Whimperers and Whatnots
Sundries Huts
Carpet Munchers
Dis Me

If one notices, there ain't much denial here.

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