Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tonight On Snooper's Bloggers Round Table


Tonight's guest will be:

Stephen R. Maloney

"...I've wirtten a lot about how to defeat Murtha -- I was also active in Diana Irey's 2006 campaign -- and have been in politics back into the early 70s when I was a political ally of then-youngster Newt Gingrich. I mostly tend to get into "hard" campaigns, hard in that they're against well-financed, entrenched Democrats who are showing some signs of being beatable. That was true in the first Gingrich campaign and is true in Russell's campaign."

Join us we strategize to trounce the troll Murtha.

Date / Time: 12/18/2007 8:00 PM EASTERN TIME

Category: Politics Conservative

Call-in Number: (646) 652-2670

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