Friday, January 4, 2008

The Hillary-Obama Iowan Slug Fest Didn't Matter?


The Hillary campaign pumped millions into the Iowa Caucus campaign with Hillary even going door to door, shaking hands and traipsing through the snow and ice that we all saw the pictures of. The infamous picture from the Drudge Report told the tale.

As The United States reels from the longest presidential campaign in our history, the Iowa Caucus is over and Hillary has suffered her first major defeat and setback. The third place showing, albeit by .3% or so, is still third place.

The slug fest between Hillary and Obama as seen in the DNC Debates and in the news rooms, print media and the internet has been vicious and Obama has seen nothing yet. He dared beat Hillary in the first round. Although Hillary has the highest negatives of any candidate in history, she was running on her husbands coattails and she was convinced that the democrats across the country wanted her and her alone to be the President and all those other people were window dressing.

With a third place booking under her belt, she now claims the following:
On board the Clinton plane -- After pouring millions of dollars and over a year of effort into a win in Iowa, senior staffers for Democrat Hillary Clinton now say the state isn't that important after all.

"The worst thing would be to over count Iowa and its importance," said chief strategist Mark Penn, just hours after the New York Senator finished in a disappointing third place, behind Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards.
Let me guess. It was all window dressing and she has Obama and Edwards right where she wants them. Kind of reminds me of what Osama Bin Laden said some time ago.

With her saying, through her aides naturally, (plausible deniability), that Iowa really doesn't matter, she has insulted all of the Iowans...they really don't matter. We can only hope that America remembers what Hillary once said of the Iowan Caucus and the Iowan people:
"The Iowa caucuses are such a unique part of American democracy. I am so impressed at how seriously everyone here in Iowa takes it," she said at a recent event in Clarion. Iowans caucus for "our hopes and the possibilities America should have again."
They are serious but insignificant. Good job Hillary...obsess much?

I wonder how significant Iowa would have been if she had won the caucus?

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