Thursday, January 3, 2008

An Obligatory Post On Ron Paul In Iowa


MAJOR Hat Tip to Redstate. The beginning of the post threw me for a loop momentarily and I was soon relieved that my former impression of the contributors over there are still favorable. Just for a few moments, I thought someone had slipped some LSD into the various drinks of choice they partake of. This is the Headline that drew me in like a lamb to slaughter:

Media Conspiracy Refuses to Cover Almost 30,000 votes for Ron Paul

OMG!! Go to Redstate and read the entire post. You will see what we and others have been saying for a very long time. As for myself, I have the disadvantage of having known all about the Fraud That Is Paul for at least 14 years.
As of this moment, the zionist neocons in the media are claiming that Ron Paul has finished next to last in the Iowa Caucuses, and that he is trailing the imperialist Bush lackey pig Mike Huckabee by almost 30,000 votes. However, we at RedState have learned from reliable sources that there is a media conspiracy afoot to not report votes for Ron Paul! That's correct, although Ron Paul actually received over 40,000 votes, we have reason to believe that the corporate media is simply refusing to report on the last 30,000 votes that Ron Paul received so that they do not have to mention Ron Paul's name over their capitalist pig airwaves anymore. [...]

Good God Almighty...LOL!!

I used to drink quite heavily and stopped in 1999. THAT paragraph ALMOST sent me to the store.


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