Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BREAKING: Russian president calls halt to Georgian war


From CNN:
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Russia's president has ordered an end to military operations against Georgia, the official Russian news agency Interfax reported Tuesday.

"I have reached a decision to halt the operation to force the Georgian authorities to peace," President Dmitry Medvedev said, according to Interfax.

The report also quoted Medvedev as saying that the "aggressor in South Ossetia has been punished and has incurred very significant losses."

Shortly before the announcement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a press conference in Moscow Tuesday that it would only accept a cease-fire if Georgia withdrew from the disputed region of South Ossetia and agreed to renounce the use of force.

Lavrov said Moscow did not trust the country's leadership.

He said Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's "barbaric and brutal action" had undermined trust in Georgia. [...]
So, Russia punished the aggressors that didn't attack Russia but Russia attacked Georgia. Wow. I see that UDL exists over there as well. Oh...UDL = Upside Down Land. And, since when did Russia give a damn about "barbaric and brutal action"?

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