Tuesday, August 12, 2008

#dontgo Nation Wide: No End In Sight But Victory


In case you are interested and I see no reason why not to be, I have collected a few blogs posts and articles for your reading material...our enemies fighting for further dependence on foreign oil are deathly afraid of the American Energy Act and for good reason. Once again, the Leftinistra are on the wrong side of a major issue to the American People for political gain...to their demise.

From Coast to Coast, Americans Are Watching the GOP's Nationwide Gas Prices Protest
The GOP-led nationwide gas prices protest has begun its second full week, with Members fanned out across the country - from the House floor to town hall meetings in communities throughout the nation - to continue demanding a vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566), the House Republicans' comprehensive plan to increase production of American energy to lower gas prices. [...]
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and T. Boone Pickens are in cahoots together
When will this end? Not that I ever believed the spin Pickens put out but it is very interesting that Ms. Pelosi Pelousi has invested in his Big Wind venture. Another 'special interest' driving Pelousi's adamant refusal to bring to the floor of the House of Representatives a vote on drilling off the [...]
Rasmussen: 64% now support offshore drilling
The bad news: Today's numbers are actually down three points from when Rasmussen polled a similar question two months ago. [...]
Pelosi indicates openness to offshore drilling vote
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday night dropped her staunch opposition to a vote on offshore oil drilling in the House.

Republicans, reacting to high gas prices, have demanded a vote on additional oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf, where drilling is currently blocked by a moratorium. Until now, Pelosi (D-Calif.) has resisted the idea as a "hoax." But in an interview on CNN's Larry King Live, she indicated that she was open to a vote. [...]
Pelosi, Profit and Congressional Stunts
On Aug. 1, Speaker Madam Pelosi pulled an irresponsible stunt by stifling free speech of fellow House Members. There was talk and rumor that she shut off the lights, microphones and C-SPAN cameras for a book tour. [...]
Did Nancy Pelosi Sabotage the U.S. Economy to Help Obama?
Pelosi's Reichstag Fire or Liberum Veto? On August 1, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dissolved Congress to prevent debate, let alone a vote, on repeal of laws against offshore oil exploration. Was Pelosi's motive to deliberately damage the U.S. economy, destroy jobs, and perpetuate hardships (like high gasoline prices and high food prices) for the American middle [...]
Bosom buddies: Nancy Pelosi and Big Wind
It's what conservative bloggers are buzzing about: the financial relationship between Do-Nothing Nancy Pelosi and Big Wind pusher [...]
The Gang of 10 Harms America, Not Just the GOP
[...] Rush, in fact, makes a similar point talking with Saxby Chambliss. The GOP is winning on this issue. The Gang of 10 compromise takes away the only issue on which the GOP is winning.

That focus, internally, is okay. But we should also keep in mind that the Gang of 10 compromise harms the national interest even more than it harms the GOP interest. [...]
Shadegg: Wheres the Energy?
Democratic inaction on energy is financially ruinous and endangers our national security. [...]
Everything you ever wanted to know about the GOP Energy Revolt: Video and mp4

McCain holds off backing "Gang of 10" energy plan
Republican Sen. John McCain is not ready to embrace a bipartisan energy plan that could complicate his presidential campaign if Democrats advance the bill weeks before the November elections.

The bill is being drafted by some of his closest allies, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and offers a compromise on the roiling issue of offshore drilling. [...]
MoveOn.org to Challenge #dontgo and House GOP
Facebook Message: MoveOn.org to Challenge #dontgo and House GOP

From Media Lizzy to the Facebook Group Let's Rock The House! I Support The Guerilla Congress.

1. If you are on Twitter, make sure you utilize #dontgo

2. Sign the Petition:

3. Join the movement at:

The MSM is sure to cover the MoveOn.org challenge - and we have to maintain focus, support our House GOP, and remember: you don't need some insider's permission to call Speaker Pelosi - and ask her to call Congress Back. Like Congressman Cantor said on my show, what's Speaker Pelosi afraid of?

Speaker Pelosi's number: 202.225.0100 [...]

'Why Is Nancy Pelosi Taking Care of Personal Business Rather Than the People's Business?'
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in Ann Arbor, Mich., tonight promoting her new book. Next week she'll make stops in several California cities before swinging through Denver on her way to the Democratic National Convention (view complete schedule). Unfortunately for Pelosi, Americans aren't buying it -- the book has an Amazon sales rank of 1,567. [...]
Krauthammer: On Energy, Do Everything
The Italian Communist party could win this election. The American Democratic party is trying its best to lose it. [...]
Call Nancy Pelosi Today!
Pelosi Plan Will Push Oil to $200 In Next 5-10 Years
This is comforting. The Pelosi Save the Planet-No Drilling Plan will push oil prices to $200 per barrel in the next 5-10 years.

Pelosi's answer to the gas crisis: "Drilling is a hoax." Over the past 30 years Democrats have effectively created "No Zones" for US energy exploration and development: [...]
Heritage Foundation On Barack Obama's Energy Plan, Finds Some Good But 'Mostly Bad'
The Heritage Foundation delves into Barack Obama's newly unveiled energy plan and finds some good but as they say, "it was mostly bad", as they walk through the bad policies, explaining how costly Obama's plan is. [...]
Pence on GOP Oil Protest: 'We Don't Need to Be on the Mainstream Media'
It doesn't matter if they talk about it on the evening news or not according to Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana.

Pence, along with two of his Republican colleagues - Reps. Dan Burton. Ind., and Bob Goodlatte, Va., met with reporters about the protest they are waging against congressional Democratic leaders at the Capitol on Friday. Democrats, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, have prevented an up-or-down vote on expanding offshore oil exploration and drilling. [...]
Hussein In The Pocket Of The Dreaded "Big Oil"
The Democratic National Committee may be trying to get some mileage out of recent news about oil industry contributions to Republican Sen. John McCain, launching a web site spoofing the idea of McCain sharing his presidential ticket with Exxon. But they may have found an unwelcome surprise in a just-released analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics. [...]
That should hold you for a while...

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