Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Debunking Moonbats


On 11 AUG 08, I wrote a piece here at ANO entitled, The Pelosi Stunt: Grounded In Profit and I then adjusted it slightly for publication at Digital Journal where a moonbat promptly and vainly attempted at least a half-way cogent response. I will place the comment from the DJ piece here so we can discuss this. I have placed a link at the DJ piece for the moonbat to come into our realm if it dares. I enjoy baiting the moonbats into the snare...after all, we ARE the Moonbat Slayers. Behold:
"On Aug. 1, Speaker Madam Pelosi pulled an irresponsible stunt by stifling free speech of fellow House Members. There was talk and rumor that she shut off the lights, microphones and C-SPAN cameras for a book tour."

Is that statement accurate? It seems that there was "talk" and "rumor"... but the House adjourned for a month long recess and a handful of GOPers pulled a stunt. It also seems that they managed to exercise their free speech.

But #dontgo's dog won't hunt -

"It has come to our attention via #dontgo that Madam Speaker's stunt on Aug. 1 was not only for her book and to squelch the free press and fellow House Members properly informing the public but also to pad her bank account."

"Her book?" The house historically adjourns this month... check previous congressional calendars on Thomas. "Squelch the free press and fellow ...? Seems the press reported the GOP stunt, didn't they?

So where did all this originate? It seems as if someone in Michigan checked Pelosi's financial disclosure statement a little, but not enough. Her investment in CLNE is chump change in a nice hefty portfolio. As the 9th wealthiest member of the house, Pelosi and Hubby have as estimated net worth of $25 -$100 mil. The investment in CLNE (what $50 - 100 thousand???) is the kind on money that falls under their sofa cushions.

Do the math and then check the symbol on any finance site. If her investment triples, it would be less than 1% of her assets. Hardly a "bombshell" and nothing congress will do anytime soon will have much impact on that stock.

#dontgo, Michigan taxes and Michell Malkin are feeding spurious "scandals" to naive folks who refuse to do homework.

McCain in '08 because we deserve him.

P.S. what they all missed on the statement is her larger positions in Microsoft, Comcast and Starbucks. Will she pull the plug on the House to get people to use their PCs, watch TV and brink more coffee? I think we might have another "bombshell" no?
Interesting how the talking dulls of distraction, innuendo and idiocy is so readily obvious. Upon casual observance, I duly noted that the registrant at DJ utilizes the same jargon and techniques of the usual bottom feeders that congregate around the Conservative contributors at DJ and this one is theoretically a newbie having registered on 23 JUL 08. Nevertheless, the troll is a sly one.

The comments from the moonbat will be in red and my responses will be in blue.

In regards to Madam Liar's stunt by turning off the lights, microphones and cameras...
Is that statement accurate? It seems that there was "talk" and "rumor"... but the House adjourned for a month long recess and a handful of GOPers pulled a stunt. It also seems that they managed to exercise their free speech.

Yes, it is accurate. It has indeed been called out and shown to be true. Whereas the House did and does adjourn this time of year, the SOP is for a series of speeches and final words before departing. The American People were demanding of our CONgress to address the skyrocketing costs of fuel and the speeches were to address this. Nancy would have none of it and there was a vote that the session would continue for the speeches so, she instructed the House to be cast into darkness and for "debate" to cease. After all, it is her House, contrary to that which is in the Constitution. The "stunt" was performed by Madam Speaker. It is We The People that dictate to the Congress and not the other way around. Sorry to burst the bubble. And yes, they did exercise their Free Speech and it was the Rightosphere that gave them their outlet.

But #dontgo's dog won't hunt -

"It has come to our attention via #dontgo that Madam Speaker's stunt on Aug. 1 was not only for her book and to squelch the free press and fellow House Members properly informing the public but also to pad her bank account."

"Her book?" The house historically adjourns this month... check previous congressional calendars on Thomas. "Squelch the free press and fellow ...? Seems the press reported the GOP stunt, didn't they?

So where did all this originate? It seems as if someone in Michigan checked Pelosi's financial disclosure statement a little, but not enough. Her investment in CLNE is chump change in a nice hefty portfolio. As the 9th wealthiest member of the house, Pelosi and Hubby have as estimated net worth of $25 -$100 mil. The investment in CLNE (what $50 - 100 thousand???) is the kind on money that falls under their sofa cushions.

Do the math and then check the symbol on any finance site. If her investment triples, it would be less than 1% of her assets. Hardly a "bombshell" and nothing congress will do anytime soon will have much impact on that stock.

Yes, we have already addressed the adjournment. Please try and keep up. The point the moonbats invariably miss is the point of any issue. The issue here is that Madam Pelosi is in bed - metaphorically naturally - with T Bone Pickens for profit. The very profit she condemns from others that she doesn't like or agree with or if it is politically expedient to be against, depending upon the wind direction at the moment. It doesn't matter the amount she has a potential to make. the fact remains she is heavily invested in "alternative fuels" and if the moratorium expires or if she is forced to expose her desire to stifle oil exploration for monetary gain, it would not bode well for her. That is the point here...not that she wrote a book. She purposefully closed off debate when the American People demanded of her to stay and debate. Again, sorry to burst the moonbat bubble.

#dontgo, Michigan taxes and Michell Malkin are feeding spurious "scandals" to naive folks who refuse to do homework.

McCain in '08 because we deserve him.

P.S. what they all missed on the statement is her larger positions in Microsoft, Comcast and Starbucks. Will she pull the plug on the House to get people to use their PCs, watch TV and brink more coffee? I think we might have another "bombshell" no?

Irrelevant to say the least. The point is The Why she closed off debate when We The People dictate erstwhile. That is the point. Get over it. Again, moonbats will drag up the usual distraction techniques and try and steer the conversation off topic. I cannot be spun no matter how they try.
And, there ya have it. OH! WAIT! There's more in another comment.
Like #dontgo, Michigan and Malkin, I know that no one will actually check previous calendars so I'll save you the work. Here's a snapshot of the last session of the 109th congress under GOP control.

For good reason, I think it was called the "do nothing" or "rubber stamp" congress (little "c" intentional). Count the days in session and compare to Pelosi. Was Denny Hastert peddling a book in august? What did he accomplish in those 91 days they were in session beside ceding power to DeLay? Oversight hearings? Naw... =0)

McCain in '08 because we deserve him.
Oh, my! Such irrelevant chatter and drivel. Thius has what to do with the 110th? Nothing at all. That's what. Simply amazing how these moonbats manage to stay sane - wait...scratch that. Want more thrashing? Not a problem!
Thanks Mark and I think you deserve a bouquet in return for a nice try. There are plenty of people who will not do the homework on what you posted above. It's called confirmation bias and the antidote is skepticism.

Yes, there are folks that will not do their homework. In conjunction with that, there are those such as yourself that cannot stay on point or topic. It doesn't fit their defective agenda. Oh, and you can cram the bouquet...I hate flowers.

You ground out an entire piece and still couldn't support "stunt, stifiling or book tour" instead of a normal adjournment that happens this time every year in the house. Again, nice try and many will lap it up without fact checking.

If, as you say, one does their homework - chiefly yourself - you will find the stunt was Nanna's shutting down the House after an agreed upon agenda because she didn't like what was being said. Must suck to be you. Nanna tried to shut down any press and any coverage. That was the stunt and the stifling. And, she did immediately depart on her book tour on the American People's dime via her USAF supplied aircraft. Please try and at least PRETEND to keep up, OK?

As for Moveon, dontgo, standstill, jump up and whatever other nonsense groups are out there massaging minds, who needs them? Same goes for "your show" on "BTR" (whatever that is???) and Larry King, I have one question -- who really needs that stuff? I'll be darned if I can tell what those people do that justifies a paycheck except to shill for corporations.

The ill-informed always ramble on about various inanities.

You will find no other nation on the planet that needs intermediaries like "Talk radio", Fox Noise, Larry king and the "blogosphere" to think for them. This site is a hoot, but who really needs it to be informed of genuine political issues? No one!

Then why are you here? It is not you that had to type in the URL you arrive on this site that has no relevancy? What does that say about you? What are you trying to do? What is your intent? Please, do try and be coherent. There is no other country on the planet that has the freedoms we Americans have. Other countries dictate to their people. In this country, we dictate to them, much to their chagrin.

If you listen to CNN or BBC in Europe (the no-spin version) you'll be amazed. Those people can comprehend actual news (not spun trivia like a $100K speculative investment), process it and actually form valid opinions all by themselves. We lost that ability 30 years ago and we need cruise control for the brain in the form of the Rush/Sean/pick one crowd... People are making up their minds on non-issues/wedge issues and shafting their grandkids. Rent the movie "Idiocracy" because we're living in it.

ROFLMAO!!!! The fog is lifted! The moonbat revealed. CNN? BBC? Oh please! That is just too much!

BTW, don't bother looking in McCains financial statement because it's his his bride who is loaded (financially I mean) and there is certainly something that could be spun. I'll bet you went ballistic 8 years ago when you checked the financial statements of the guys in the Whitehouse now, right?

McCain in '08 because we deserve him.

Irrelevant and off topic to be sure. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn how much anyone makes or how much they are vested in any corporation or entity. It matters not to me. It is the MO that I care about and it is what the American People care about. Madam Pelosi is a liar. She promised the American People lower fuel prices on her campaign trails to get elected. She got elected. Prices have doubled and she blames every one but her own flawed principles and abuses her position as SOH, plain and simple. That is the point and if that escapes you and your kind, that is your bad, nor mine. She closed down debate because she is heavily vested in other areas to be exposed as a liar.
That was the last of the comments but if you wish to visit the DJ site to see how I baited the poor thing to reveal its Leftinistra ways and means, feel free to do so. I am sure there will be other comments but this trouncing should suffice for now.

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