Tuesday, August 12, 2008

HR 6566: American Energy Act


We are proud to be part of a movement that has the frothing Anti-Americanists of organizations such as the MoveOn sycophants of the One World Socialist George Soros in a frothing self-defeating frenzy. If it wasn't for the millions of US dollars that the hack Soros funneled into such organizations, they would die off never to be heard from again.

The #dontgo movement has been attacked by the Enemies of The State on a level not seen since they attacked General David Petraeus...right after he was unanimously confirmed by the US Senate. As I was throwing some ideas around as to how I could continue driving the moonbats into a frothing frenzy, I received an email to a link. This link took all the work out of what I was looking into and I think the anonymous emailer for this link...Mary Fallin, (R-OK) 5th...Emphasis mine...

Fallin Responds to MoveOn.org; Calls for Vote on Comprehensive Energy Legislation
Washington, DC -- A recent radio ad launched by the leftwing group MoveOn.org criticizes Congresswoman Mary Fallin (OK-05) for supporting the expansion of offshore drilling. Fallin released the following statement in response:
"MoveOn.org's latest ad shines a bright light on the debate over energy. It proves once and for all that leftwing radicals are the ones driving Speaker Pelosi's agenda. As the ad says, I support an energy bill that would open the outer continental shelf to deep sea drilling. However, it fails to mention that I also support measures that would encourage both conservation and the development of alternative energies. I support this comprehensive approach to energy; MoveOn.org and Speaker Nancy Pelosi do not. I support policies that would fight rising gas prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil; they do not. Polls show a majority of Americans support deep sea drilling, but Nancy Pelosi continues to block a vote on any legislation that would make this drilling possible.

"Ironically, this ad serves as a useful reminder of why Washington has failed to address the current energy crisis. While House Republicans and I continue to push for a comprehensive, 'all of the above' energy strategy, leftwing radicals busy themselves with negative advertisements and excuses for their continued inaction.

"It's not surprising that the group that called into question the patriotism and honor of General Petraeus would resort to this desperate ploy, but Speaker Pelosi and other Democrat leaders should be embarrassed. I am ready to come to Washington and vote on a real energy bill, but the Democrat leadership refuses to call the House into session. American families are desperate for Congress to act, but Speaker Pelosi has sent us on vacation. I will take this opportunity to again ask her and other House leaders where they stand - with MoveOn.org, or with the vast majority of Americans worried about gas prices and our energy future?"
Obviously, Pelosi and her clan of skunks side with fellow anti-Americanists. Pelosi and her kind greatly fear being shown to be on the wrong side of this issue, as they have been on the wrong side of every issue since they took power in 2006.

They fear the American Energy Act because it calls for each and every item the Leftinistra have been yapping about for 35 years or so. The American People want an "all of the above" approach and it is time for the Leftinistra to put up or shut up. The Leftinistra cannot be seen as agreeing with anyone that is contrary to the eco-nazi scum screwing up this nation and causing us to become more an more dependent on foreign oil. Their time has come and they run away from it. Their ghosts of inactivity for political gain has come home to roost.

More at Memeorandum as Nanna decides that maybe a vote is OK...

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