Saturday, August 2, 2008

Having Fun With Idiot Moonbats - Global Warming


Here's another idiot moonbat playing the fear mongering based on a lie thing card. I am talking about the Goracle's blatant lie about Global Warming - OOPS! - I mean Climate Change. Isn't it interesting that these idiots think that weather patterns should remain constant across the globe? Idiots.

I have been following this Global Warming Myth since 1970 when it was announced that we would either have Manhattan under water soon or that the world would be covered in ice and we could ice skate across the Atlantic - if we lived through it all. It confused me. Which was it?

I remember when 1980 was going to see lower Manhattan under water. I remember 1990 when Manhattan was going to be under water. I remember 2000 when Manhattan was going to be under water. I remember the Goracle announcing that we had TEN YEARS before we were all doomed...

I have written of this many times and have ample evidence here.

Naturally, the lies keep getting told over and over even though the overwhelming evidence proving the Goracle to be the liar we all know he is keeps getting ignored. That's because the Leftinistra KNOW Global Warming is a scam and the Goracle Himself - Messiah #2 - subordinate to Czarbama -Messiah #1 - is raking in the millions while living in a home not 1/4 as "green" as President Bush's ranch in Texas.

Simply amazing. Silly moonbats.

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