Saturday, August 2, 2008

Holy Global Cultural Jihad Batman!!


I JUST got this off of the wire at Atlas Shrugs!! JUDAS H PRIEST!!! Did Gov of Pennsylvania Rendell, one of the Czarbama Camp's VP choices just praise the Nation of Islam AND Farrakhan? Is this what I just heard in this video??? He was just a mere Mayor then but, DAMN!!

From Atlas Shrugs:
Ed Rendell was Mayor of Philadelphia. It was 1997. It is a bright, shining example of Democrats putting political correctness over all. Party before country, political expediency over decency. It is why there is no "center" of the Democratic Party. Ed Rendell calls himself a centrist. He also calls himself a Jewish American. He is neither. He is a pig. Watch it and weep. [...]
AMEN Pamela. AMEN! This speech was made on 14 APR 1997 at a rally for "A Solution Too Heal The Racial Divide". Racism would NOT exist in this nation to the degree that it does if the Farrakhans and the Jacksons and the Sharptons didn't keep it alive so they could rake in millions from stupid people.

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