Sunday, September 28, 2008

BREAKING: Czarbie Was Asked To STOP Wearing That Bracelet


Gateway Pundit has the scoop as reported at Newsbusters. Apparently, the family of Sgt Ryan David Jopek has previously asked the fraud Czarbie to NOT wear their son's bracelet. However, due to political expediency, Czarbie disregards a family's request for political gain. What a schmuck.

Here is the pathetic Marxist at the McCain thrashing...(vote it up at Digital Journal)

[UPDATE] (by request and rightfully so)

It is the opinion of this author that Barack Obama needs to immediately honor the request of the family and stop wearing their son's bracelet. Barack does the name of Sgt Jopek dishonor in using his death as a political football and his very insensitivity to the family is unacceptable.

As a DAV, I find Barack's insincere rhetoric a blight on this nation's good name. Then again, Obama is the consummate fraud so we really shouldn't expect anything less from such a shallow community "disorganizer".

Barack Obama - you are a disgrace to the very uniform that you lied about not wearing. As you "contemplated" joining the military to "serve honorably" but didn't think that there was enough going on in the world to justify joining the rank and file of the United States Armed Services, there were guys like myself in Iran trying to rescue the American hostages. Some we got out and some we could not.

If one is to wear a fallen's bracelet, the least one can do is remember the man's name without having to look at the bracelet to remember.

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