Sunday, September 28, 2008

So Many Democrats Running Scared


The Kosmonoffs have done it again. They claim to have the most scientific and accurate poll in the known universe. I laugh with much disdain, as I do at all pollsters and those that live by the polls, incapable of thinking for themselves. The day I make my decisions by a poll - any poll - is the day I will move in with that moron and Scientology buffoon Cruise.

Anyway, the KOSmonoffs have the poll as such: Czarbie 50 and McCain 43. I suppose Zell Miller is all wrong in their estimation. Zell has said many times that the ceiling on the American Democrat is 48 and will eventually decline from there. Why? Simple. The DNC is becoming more and more irrelevant and out of touch. They believe their own lies. The screen shot to the left is from Zell Millers' book, A National Party No More, preview here.

Their whole poll thing is "Rather" small-minded and only fellow anti-Americanists cannot see the Conservative Tsunami cresting over their heads. Simply amazing. Go ahead, Kosmonoffs. The more you lie to yourselves and others, the harder and funnier your crash will be.

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