Sunday, September 14, 2008

Czarbie The Has Been The One Lied...Again


Over at News24, Czarbie said, among other things equally as inane, the following:
[...] "You know, I'm not going to be making up lies about John McCain," Obama told undecided voters in Dover, New Hampshire on Friday. But he dipped into history, citing the oft-repeated phrase: "If you don't stop lying about me, I'm going to have to start telling the truth about you." [END]
What lies, Czarbie? Ayers? Uncle Frank? Your Civilian National Security Forces? Your tax hikes to 60%? Your socialized health care that has failed everywhere it has been tried? Your not wearing a flag lapel pin because it may offend your pals in Iran? Your disrespect for the American Flag by turning your back to it, hands crossed across your crotch as the National Anthem is being played? What lies, Czarbie?

The lie you told Czarbie is that you aren't going to making things up about McCain. Let us refresh your memory hole there Czarbie. Remember back in February when you lied about what is now known as McCain's 100 Year War? What was that, Czarbie?

Czarbie...nothing but a lying Marxist bastard.

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