Sunday, September 14, 2008

Michael Yon On Pat Dollard Radio Tonight!


Michael Yon LIVE from Afghanistan will be Pat Dollard's special guest tonight, Sunday Sept 14 at 2300 on The JihadiKiller Hour on BlogTalk Radio.

Live chat will be available and Pat will take listener calls. You do not have to be registered with BTR to listen live or to call in.

The JihadiKiller Hour - which now runs for two hours - is one of the most popular shows on Blog Talk Radio..

Pat Dollard's website can be found at

Michael Yon's next dispatch "Death In the Corn" will be published Monday at

In the meantime please read about one of the largest and most important missions in Afghanistan "Where Eagles Dare"

Michael Yon accepts no advertising, so please support his mission by buying Moment of Truth today or making a direct contribution.

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