Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today On Snooper's Take Our Country Back Radio


This afternoon, we will begin an eight-part series on the No Oil Twilight Zone with Lindsey Williams. The Peak Oil scenario is a scam and sham.

Lindsey Williams addressed the Granada Form back in December 2005 before he retired.

The eight-part video series can be viewed at LiveLeak of at my video blog here.

Lindsey Williams was a Baptist Minister for nearly 28 years and was the Chaplain for the Alaskan Pipeline. Many say he is a quack for many reasons one of them being his appearances on the Alex Jones show. If that were the only defining factor, I might agree. However, his credibility in the area of faith and religion and the lack of any incriminating evidence of any wrong doing anywhere, I consider him to be a credible source.

In his book The Energy Non-Crisis, he explains in detail why it is that we are lied to on a daily basis by many people. The book was published in 1980 so I thought it to be appropriate to rehash that which Lindsey Williams has been talking about ever since.

Tune in today at 1500 hours Texas time (CST). TOCB on BTR

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