Monday, October 27, 2008

Barack's Birth Certificate SEALED Until AFTER The Election? WTF?


This is the final straw if there ever was a final straw. If anyone votes for this NON US CITIZEN they are aiding and abetting a criminal, an ILLEGAL ALIEN! Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a US Citizen. He can't be. If in fact the judge out in Hawaii has indeed SEALED the Obama birth certificate from public scrutiny there is indeed something to hide for sure for sure.

If the birth certificate revealed that Barack was indeed a citizen, why was it sealed? If Barack is in fact a US Citizen and is therefore eligible to be President and is indeed eligible to run for the top political job, why was the birth certificate sealed? What is up with that?

I first learned of this at McNorman's blog and they link to WND here. In addition, Kenyan officials have also placed all Obama records under seal until AFTER the US Presidential elections. Is this because he intends to announce an April Fool's announcement? Perhaps it will go like this...
"I was just kidding anyway. I was just testing the waters to see if an illegal alien could steal the American Presidency. I knew I wasn't eligible but, Pelosi, Reid and Soros made me do it and I was pissed off at the Clinton's so I went along with the gag. Sorry America. I'll move back to socialist Kenya now and try to live in peace and harmony with my broke brother and smoke dope with the terrorists down there."
This is unbelievable. In the meanwhile Phil Berg is petitioning SCOTUS for a hearing. RSN has a good article up exposing all the shenanigans of FactCheck which we all know is owned by the Annenberg Foundation...imagine that.

We know that there are now NINE US States that have filed cases to demand the production of Barack's eligibility much like the Barack Campaign demanded McCain produce...and he did.

What is Barack hiding people?

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