Monday, October 27, 2008

I Don't Need The Stinking Polls To Tell Me Any of This People



Good God Almighty.

The Democrats have openly come out and stated - because they "think" they taste blood - that they are going to ELIMINATE the breaks for retirement accounts called 401Ks. They have recently bragged about abortion and said that it is quite alright to practice infanticide, of which the Vatican has openly denounced them calling them the Culture of Death. They are very open about their socialism now that Joe The Plumber tricked up Mr Uppity.

The IBD polls which have been acclaimed as the most accurate - not that it matters as far as I am concerned - have stated that the race is neck-and-neck. This doesn't bode well for Czarbie because he has spent nearly 4 times as much as McCain has and this is as far as he can get?

Zogby has stated that "things are trending back towards McCain". WOW! Ya think? Judas H Priest people. These pollsters crack me up. Maybe they should get off of the telephones and start hitting the streets like I have been. Damn. I mean, DAMN! I guess that would take WORK and they couldn't play COMPUTER MODELING GAMES or Solitaire. It would mean that their people would have to know BODY LANGUAGE - I mean REAL HUMAN stuff and not some distant voice or some computer program that a HUMAN developed.

McCain said that he GUARANTEES victory. What does he know that the pollsters don't? Especially the pollsters at the Moonbat site called the KOSmonofs?

Melanie Morgan reports that Obama Goons attacked once again and vandalized McCain-Palin signs and other "structures". Spree also reports that worse vandals of the Obama Goons actually caused damage to the homes of McCain-Palin supporters. This is WIDE SPREAD across this nation and it isn't helping the cause of Obama Marxism one bit. Photo courtesy WUAs.

The Silent Ones will turn out in droves folks because True American Patriots WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED.

I think the Guillotine at the Denver Rally for the Marxist Obama today was the "killer" in my humble opinion, folks. Like my Dad told me and like I tell my kids, give an idiot enough rope and the moron will soon hang his own damned self. This is where we are in the final stretch. The Obama Goons and morons are hanging themselves out to dry and Czarbie will NOT denounce them and will NOT produce his birth certificate. Photo courtesy LGF.

McCain-Palin will win this election, naysayers be damned.

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