Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Eeyore Complex: Don't Go There


To begin this post, I bring to you Jim Treacher: "McCain didn't bring up the topic I wanted him to bring up, or at least not to my satisfaction, so I say he lost"
It's kind of like a kid on Christmas morning, surrounded by a huge pile of toys, whimpering because he didn't get the one he really wanted.

Do you want your toys taken away? Keep it up.
Amen. In a previous post, I mentioned another article and the gist of it is this: what if John McCain knows what he is doing? I have concluded that he does know what he is doing and those that want him to do what THEY want him to do are the usual armchair quarterbacks that have never been in the arena. I fall into that scenario and trap myself from time to time and I quickly snap out of it...before my wife smacks me with a frying pan. Maybe that's what is needed. We need folks running around smacking these kind of folks upside the skull from time to time.

When the Lame Stream Media cannot hide that McCain trounced The One, folks need to pay more attention and stop whining. So far, nearly every Pundit on our side of the aisle that I subscribe to have given this debate to McCain and nearly all have concluded what I have. We haven't seen anything yet and Czarbie will not take the White House.

I just noticed that Memeorandum placed this post up in the featured area but with a misleading twist...interesting. Click image to enlarge.

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