Saturday, October 4, 2008

Everything Obama - Goons, Thugs and Worms


So. We have the Obama Goons, the Civilian National Security Forces (CNSF), Obama Channel, Obama Coins, Obama Liar, the Obama Resume, Obama Exposed, the Obama Test, Obamalot and everything else Obama or, as I like to refer to the Marxist whore, Czarbie.

Does anyone else see what the hell is going on here?

Oh. Wait. I forgot about the Obama Camps...
"The next tip is to be absolutely ruthless," Jocelyn Woodards tells the campers. "We want you to be determined, ambitious, take a risk." [...]

[...] Obama is not like other candidates, and part of this training is learning to mimic the methods he used before he was an elected official -- back when he was a community organizer in Chicago following the textbook of legendary agitator Saul Alinsky. [...]
And there we have it. Czarbie is advocating the overthrow of the United States Government. Now. If we can only get him to conjure up his birth certificate...maybe we will find something else out about the fraud.

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