Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Pigs Are Flying - Or Something


More and more folks are catching on that Congress no longer does the Will of We The People. Todd Blumer of PJM makes this statement: Bailout Saga Proves that Elites Don’t Care What We Think. Exactly so. I wrote about this a few days ago in a post entitled, "The Will Of The Congress Will Be Done". Sen Reid and Rep Pelosi both stated that the will of Congress will be done regardless of We The People and what we had to say about it. Amazing isn't it? Even Feinstein, the one that says that she does the people's bidding said that nearly 10 to 1 folks were saying NO and she said she was voting for the bill anyway.

When Alec Baldwin, a Hollyweird type - knows that the Democrats caused the current financial non-meltdown meltdown, watch out for dropping pig turds. Check out the video here.

Just in case, watch out for pig turds falling from the sky on this one as well. There is a court order for Czarbie to produce a current and real birth certificate. We reported on it earlier but mdconservative has a shortened version. Others have been tracking this issue with grand zeal here.

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