Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Now Off The Hook


Everyone is wrong. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are perfectly fine and solvent. The hype is over and the real culprit or culprits have been exposed. Everyone relax. There isn't a crisis. McClatchy News bares all:

And that settles that. Crisis solved.

For a while there I was worried.

This is getting more and more retarded by the minute, people. Talk about the spinmeisters in full swing! This is how I see it. The Leftinistra have been caught LYING and CHEATING and thee is no getting out of it honestly. So, now, they are trying to blame the economic non-crisis crisis in the laps of someone else. What a bunch of damned losers. In the pro-Castro media outlet in Florida: "Data prove untrue charges that push for affordable housing caused crisis"

This is the SAME parroting crap from the above linked story. This is just plain sad and so blatantly obvious even to the oblivious. Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac BOUGHT those useless mortgages BECAUSE of failed Democrat Party economic policies. Get over it and quit blowing smoke up my ass.

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