Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lest We Forget That Which Has Gone By


In the hustle and bustle of instant access to just about everything and anything, quite a few things go by without notice or get placed on back burners of interest. It is good, then, to once in a while reflect back on some tid-bits of information that is always appropriate in one form or another. So, let us begin.

I will start with a piece at DTRT. There is a friend of mine that once in a while visits Cyber Pastor's blog and leaves little gems. Here is an excerpt of an SFBert gem:
One thing that just jumps out at me is the fear many people in this country feel at this time. And when I look at the people immediately around me, I don't sense the fear in them that others express. It is no secret. It is that while we, and I write of conservatives, face the same issues, we are not alone. I give you a couple of examples. [...] Read the rest please...
Almost a week ago, Tariq Alhomayed wrote in the Arab news outlet Asharq Alawsat:
The moment Tehran and Damascus felt that they might benefit from the decline of US-Russian relations (due to the conflict in Georgia), we saw Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert rush to Moscow to cut off any possible arms deal involving Syria and Iran.

And in an example of Israel pulling out all the stops to serve its own interests, Olmert got almost all that he wished for, when Moscow stated that it would not ‘sell arms to any conflict-ridden country’ which of course is diplomatic jargon for Syria and Iran.

The question then; what about us in the Arab world? When will we stop arming ourselves more than necessary, arming ourselves with weapons that sometimes find their way into the hands of organizations which use them solely for murder, and the destruction of our countries and our rights? [...]
Damn good question...any answers jumping out at anyone?

McQ wrote a grand piece on the 12th that has pretty much gone unnoticed by and large. He was talking about Obama and the economy spiral and among other things, he said this:
[...] Other than him being a very liberal Democrat, this is one of my major problems with Obama. And I won't belabor the point, but the guy has never, ever, in his entire life, made an important and/or controversial decision. In fact, for the most part, he's practiced avoiding them. That's because he's never done anything which required him to do so.

If you think about it, one of the reasons he is still popular is he really has no record of accomplishment which can be examined and critiqued. And that which he has done, he or his supporters seem to go to great lengths to hide - or deny. I frankly have never seen a more ill-prepared candidate for the office of President of the United States in all my years - and that includes Jimmy Carter. [...]
And that is a mouthful and sums up the empty suit Obama very well.

Chicago Ray brings us a story from a flake that he reported to the FBI and the Secret Service. Some idiot published 25 ways to kill Senator McCain. And the Leftinistra whine about OUR rhetoric? When was the last time one of our side even mentioned anything like that? Hello? Crickets. Along those lines, RWN has a list of 12 violent quotes from the members of the anti-Americanists of the Leftinistra. Take a peek at that crap and again, please let me know if anyone on our side of the fence has even come close to that kind of idiocy.

For another example, the following is a quote from James T. Harris being interviewed by Essence:
[...] “I have to be honest with you, after the last 24 hours, no one can roll up on me and talk about hatred and inciting violence after what I have experienced.” [...]
The entire situation for him is unbelievable. And the Leftinistra claim to be the most tolerant and peaceful? If anyone actually believes that, there is something very seriously wrong with them.

I know that this gem has been talked about already but I want to bring it up again. Someone found some legislative goings on that Barack had something to do with. Naturally, no one on the left is bringing it up because he paints Barack into a corner that he is already quite wrapped up into. It has something to do with ACORN. From A Blog for All:
I think we've found a legislative "achievement" for Sen. Barack Obama, but I'm not sure that he'd want people to know about it though, especially with all the law enforcement investigations into ACORN throwing tens of thousands of fraudulent voter registrations into the system. [...]
Apparently, there is a bill in committee that Barack initiated and he wants folks to sit on it.
Obama co-sponsored legislation called the “Helping Families Save their Homes in Bankruptcy Act of 2007”-- that was supported by ACORN and protects them. [...]
OOPS! Simply amazing, isn't it? All of the above is crazy nuts, I know but there is some other stuff that is worse, in my opinion. ABC is all in a twitter about Robert Duvall. He bloody well criticized Barack while he was at a Sarah Palin rally. OH MY GOD!
[...] The rhetoric was a departure from recent days, where Palin has toned down her criticism of Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama. Duvall used no such caution in his remarks, saying of Obama, "we gotta keep this guy out of the White House."

Duvall then introduced Palin, who quickly thanked him "for that very kind introduction" before giving her standard stump speech to the crowd of 400 Republican donors. [...]
That has "them" upset but when Whoopi flake-job, the one that was "concerned" about John McCain bringing back slavery - what a MORON she is - called Sarah Palin "dangerous" with nothing to back it up, nothing was said by any network in-the-trousers-sucking-on-Barack news outlets. Matt Damon said that Sarah Palin was absurd. Crickets. Tina Fey said she is leaving Earth if Sarah is elected - good riddance - but nothing was said. Crickets. Sandra Bernhard said that Sarah PAlin should be gang raped and all that happened was she lost some gigs but the media was silent. Madonna threatened Sarah Palin with bodily injury and the Secret Service was not informed by the media...the media was silent and some even laughed.

Cindy Sheehan can't get Nancy Pelosi to show up for a debate.

That will do for now. I will catch up more news in a separate post because the data and info is more exact and intense.

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