Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Obamunists


I have written extensively on the Marixist Obama amid much criticism in the past. It never phased me. I kept on keeping on even though some Conservatives chided me and many others. I even had "debates" with his followers, the very few "reasonable" ones that do exist, and they even admitted that the US Constitution would have to be amended to enact socialism as a form of government in this nation. With that said, here we go. Photo credit to Citizens' Journal:

Don't hang up on an Obamunist pollster or campaign whore. You just might get the Secret Service or FBI knocking on your door. I don't live very far from Lufkin, TX. In Texas speak, Lufkin is just down the road.

Obama's most ardent followers, the members of the blatantly obvious and self-proclaimed "progressives" (read that communists) have stated that they intend to crush conservatism so they can rein in their way of government. Sounds like intolerance of differing views to me. It also reeks of the overthrow of the United States Government. The Daily KOSmonoffs are such happy people. Need more proof? Wizbang has the details as does Byron York. For a hot under the collar piece, please travel to Atlas Shrugs and STACLU and Weasel Zippers. Photo credit to The Big Feed.

The CPUSA is just tickled pink that Obama is their candidate. They are claiming that their time has come. What more does one need to know and if Czarbie doesn't believe as they do, why then does he not renounce them? Well, they are his base, that's why. If anyone denies that, they are liars plain and simple.

Even Dutch Socialist Yoots are traveling to the USA to campaign for the Marxist Obama. Remember folks, the Presidential race is not about liberalism v conservatism. It is about Freedom v Barack's Marxism.

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