Thursday, October 16, 2008

Listen To The Libtards Squeal!


Joe The Plumber

People, the issue here is not the person Joe. The issue is what Obama SAID TO Joe The Plumber. Obama said openly and quite naturally that he is indeed a socialist. And THAT is the issue. Squirm and squeal all you want to. It won't change the FACT that Obama's off-the-cuff idiocy has done him damage. Get over it and ready yourselves for a McCain-Palin Administration. (photo found at

If Joe was a GOP plant, so what? If Joe isn't making $250K, so what? If you listen to the actual conversation, Joe said he is getting ready to buy the company he works for. If he is related to a Keating 5 member, what of it? The fact remains that the Leftinistra would-be First Czar of the USSA outed himself as the socialist that he is after his detractors have claimed that he is not.

Too bad and so sad.

The majority of the squealers and losers are here at Memeorandum...and here...


Michelle Malkin asks the question about the "Keating 5" relative...Does It Matter?
JWF has more...
WUAs has a great piece up in regards to the Leftinistra smear game on the plumber...


  1. P.J.D.S.? What will the left think up next? « Trust, But Verify
  2. Take Our Country Back
  3. Now Connections Matter? | The American Pundit
  4. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Open Thread
  5. If you can’t argue the facts - attack the messenger | Conservative247
  6. JammieWearingFool
  7. Sister Toldjah
  8. Going after Joe the Plumber & America | The Anchoress
  9. Joe the Plumber | BitsBlog
  10. Hot Air » Blog Archive » What we can learn from the Joe the Plumber episode
  12. Joe The Plumber Scares Them « Mcnorman’s Weblog
More at Memeorandum...and here...

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