Monday, October 6, 2008

Main Street Media: The Media That Counts


In a previous post entitled, Democrats: Doubling Down On Defeat, I mentioned the following:
The same Democrats that tried to lose the war in 2006 and 2007 are now trying to ensure ultimate defeat in the long run. John Jerk-Off Murtha said this recently:
The Defense Department is going to have to cut personnel in order to pay for procurement. . . . I don’t know that they are going to be able to keep growing the Army," said Murtha, adding, "Personnel costs are out of control."
As far as I know, hasn't Obama stated that increasing the size of the military was one of his highest priorities? And, hasn't Murtha been running his re-election bid on the most important aspect is his total support of the military? Seems to me that either one or both men are lying once again for political expediency. Go figure. [...]
Evidently, the Information Systems, U.S. House of Representatives, was interested because they have or at least someone in Congress has, visited this post 123 times since it was first posted on 10/5/08. I am not sure if it was the Obama or Murtha Camps visiting and it really doesn't matter. What matters is that the Main Street Media has their attention.

We in the Main Street Media have been challenging and nipping at the heals of the dinosaur media for quite some time and we have gained the upper hand. Many of our number have scooped the established clowns of CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, FOX and a host of others.

We in the Main Street media have been instrumental in exposing the phony stories published and hailed as the gospel truth in the Global War On Terror. In my opinion, it has been Gateway Pundit and Jawa Report that have been the leaders of that Brigade of Truth within the Main Street Media. Without these leaders of Truth and Justice, Americans would have been woefully lied to with no other outlets of representation of what Truth is and what are Lies. In the end of all things, Truth prevails.

I remember several times emailing both with suspect stories and both emailed me back thanking me for the heads up. Most of those stories were subsequently proven to be phony stories. When the dinosaur media stoops to such low levels as to lie about the men and women fighting to keep them free to drive up their sales and circulation, we in the Main Street Media will expose them for what they are.

One can see from our results that their readership and circulation has drastically declined and we are glad of it and proud of our collective efforts.

The Main Street Media: The Media That Counts.

And, speak of the Devil! Check this out at Memeorandum...and here as well...

Trackposted to Blog @, Faultline USA, third world county, The World According to Carl, DragonLady's World, The Pink Flamingo, Cao's Blog, CORSARI D'ITALIA, Democrat=Socialist, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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