Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obama News and It Ain't Pretty


TAB want to know about Obama's Pakistan connections. (Media Lizzy once asked about his special trip to Pakistan a while back.) As has been expressed to me many times, no one is quite sure what his intentions were, who he talked to or what he truly learned. Not only that, his visits to Pakistan isn't mentioned in his "memoirs". I found that very interesting.
[...] Wow, now this is very eyebrow-raising too, and I wouldn't be surprised if not many in the MSM pick up on this. But I think it certainly is worthy of attention as to what kind of connections he's got. [END]
No doubt. This gives an even more impression that we need to find out more about his "friends". We have heard of and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Czarbie violated the Logan Act several times as a US Senator thinking he was a shoe-in to the Presidency. That was some time ago. On the 15th of this month, Iraq The Model relates to us how Barack has done serious damage to Iraqi-US relations all in the name of political ego and power. The entire article is at PJM.

Obama: thy name is Treason.

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