Monday, November 10, 2008

All of Obama's Friends Slither Out


Bill Ayers Lies... Says Satan Threatened to Waterboard Him
He's talking now... Bill Ayers told journalists that "he is the real victim" of terrorism in his latest interview after the election.
Ayers also lied to the journalists (or was spoofed) about the the threats against him...
But, they published his ridiculous lie anyway. [...] read the rest
Socialist Leader to Open Cuban Prison, Ship Hundreds of Prisoners to USA
I have been told to prepare for a repeat of the Carter years, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind. We're screwed:
President-elect Obama's advisers are quietly crafting a proposal to ship dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned terrorism suspects to the United States to face criminal trials, a plan that would make good on his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison but could require creation of a controversial new system of justice. [...] read the rest
Gorbachev To Obama: Implement Perestroika In The United States
Mikhail Gorbachev is calling for Messiah-Elect Barack Hussein Obama that the U.S. needs comprehensive ‘perestroika’ reforms to surmount the financial crisis and restore balance in the world. Via the Russian News & Information Agency (RIA Novosti): The term perestroika, meaning restructuring, was used by Gorbachev in the late 1980s to describe a series of reforms [...] read the rest (also see)

Ayers, Wright & Farrakhan Crawl out From Under Their Rock
Little by little the Snakes are coming out from under their Rocks. Three horseman of America's apocalypse: Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and Terrorist Bill Ayers. Now that their Buddy Senator Barack Obama has been elected President, these three presidential amigos have decided that they cannot hurt their candidate any more. All three have the same foolish story...its all the press' fault. [...] read the rest
Chicago Thugs and the Wonderful World of Change
Obama said in Iowa December 27th, 2007: "I'm an outsider and I'm not going to bring people into my administration who have already been in Washington, it would be foolish, that wouldn't change anything whatsoever," and yet his first appointment is Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff. [...] read the rest
Yep. That would be called a lie right there, eh?

Calypso Louie: Obama Will Bring 'New Beginning'
Another esteemed Chicago resident weighs in on the glorious Age of Obama now sweeping the planet.Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan says the U.S. can expect a "new beginning" under the leadership of President-elect Barack Obama. [...] read the rest
Ayers Plays the Victim, Fabricates Recent Events
Typical cowardly nonsense from the unrepentant terrorist.On the campaign trail, McCain immediately got on message. I became a prop, a cartoon character created to be pummelled.

When Alaska Governor Sarah Palin got hold of it, the attack went viral. At a now-famous Oct. 4 rally, she said Obama was "pallin' around with terrorists." (I pictured us sharing a milkshake with two straws.) [...] read the rest
Code Pink Founder Honored By Marxists In Bolivia
Code Pink's Marxist founder Medea Benjamin was hobknobbing with the Marxist elites in Bolivia this week.

At her blog Benjamin wrote about her wonderful time with the hardcore South American Leftists and her night out with the president.

She also wondered why she is treated like a radical here in the United States. [...] read the rest
That about does it for the friends that he wasn't friends with but they are all coming out for sunshine now. I find that interesting. Even that racist preacher of his came out from hiding last week some time.

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